Saturday 19 December 2015

One too many

You just had to push that button
One too many times
and I'm not sure what you
were expecting to happen
other than this predictable
defensive reaction of anger
and my aggressive tone

And like always
this immediate
guilt and regret

Written Wednesday, December 19, 2012 - 8:20pm

Friday 18 December 2015


Contemplating the sweetness and the beauty of the cocoa plant,
I imagine the rich flavours that flowed in golden chalices and coated ancient tongues.
What energy was imparted into the wild heart beats and why does chocolate bring so much pleasure?
To imagine a world without this delicacy is to imagine the mere sounds of the world without music.

Written Friday, December 18, 2015 - 5:30pm

Thursday 17 December 2015


Curling his toes,
he wiggles and buries them
deep into the warm white sand.
The ocean waves move steadily
back and forth across the shore,
each breath the heavy sigh of a giant.
White foam curling around his ankles,
he leans back and stares above
into the great blue expanse.
The cloudless sky seems to
fall upon him like a blanket.
He inhales with the ocean waves.
A brown crab scuttles by.
He lets the air rush from his lungs
as the sun wraps around his shoulders.

Written Monday, December 17, 2012 - 10:09am

Wednesday 16 December 2015


It's that time again
When you start to think about
the past year of your life
and wonder whether you
lived with the fullest of intention.
Whether you could have done more,
whether you could have done better.
Whether you loved and shared
everything that you had hoped.
Regardless of how things went,
somehow you feel hopeful
because the end of one thing
is always the beginning
of something new.

Written Sunday, December 16 2012 - 10:24am

Monday 14 December 2015


I love the way goosebumps cover me from head to toe
every time I listen to this song of yours
And my skin feels as though it's expanding with bliss
As though I will explode with joy
and I hold my breath until the last chord
Filled with immense benevolence

Written Monday, December 14, 2015 - 10:22am

Sunday 13 December 2015

Christmas Market

It seemed there was a thin invisible string
that connected my time and yours,
tied together in that exact moment
when we met - beside the highway
under the overpass, in overflow parking,
and somehow I wasn't surprised, as if
we had already made plans to meet
and I was expecting to see you there.

The wind is pulling at my grey woolen coat
and chilling my toes like frozen popsicles.
Little huts in cheery rows with green trim,
and twinkling lights fluttering in the wind
Bring warmth and rosiness to my cheeks,
as do both your smiles floating beside me.
Ornaments in wood and glimmering gold
are piled high in stacks and rows, and
the smell of wood fires and cooked meat
fills the cold air with smoky heat.

A delightful afternoon and chance to
reconnect in a fresh way, with no
expectations or preconceived ideas.

Written Thursday, December 13, 2012 - 12:14pm

Saturday 12 December 2015


Suspicions abound
in my self-diagnosis
Convinced the enemy
was hidden in goods
or perhaps my own
beneveolent handiwork

Food poisoning?

I'll never know.

Written Wednesday, December 12, 2012 - 11:58am

Friday 11 December 2015

The Christmas Song

Sitting on a half-empty plane in Mexico City at 1 am
The Christmas Song is playing quietly on the radio
My sinuses are exploding and my head is throbbing
But somehow the music takes me to another place
Where snow swirls in soft circles around me
Where strings of lights reflect in my eyes
Where the smell of cinnamon warms my soul

Written Friday, December 11, 2015, 1:00am

Thursday 10 December 2015


Que fácil las palabras de tu tristeza
Nacientes de hormonas de vibras bajas

Tu mirada de piedras
muele mis huesos

Un golpe a mi orgullo
y la paciencia crece,
como verdes vibrantes,
provenientes de las
cenizas de tu

Written Wednesday, December 10, 2014 - 11:30am

Tuesday 8 December 2015

If I live long enough...

Just now, while eating my breakfast,
and licking the warm runny egg yolk from my plate,
it occurred to me that
if I live long enough to
end up in a retirement home,
I won't get to enjoy the pleasure
licking runny egg yolks off my plate.

So instead of thinking of the distant future
right now, I will enjoy this moment.

Written Tuesday, December 8, 2015 - 8:05am

Monday 7 December 2015


Heat emanating from just under the skin's surface
Blood flow in constant motion, pulsing and coursing
Close your eyes and watch the shadows and shapes
Mingling with the movement in your mind

Written Friday, December 7, 2012 - 4:17pm

Saturday 5 December 2015

One laugh

Smell the flower
Chase the birds
Lift your eyes
Twitch your nose

All it takes
is one laugh
then you're hooked
alive in love

Written Wednesday, December 5, 2012 - 9:21pm

Friday 4 December 2015

This morning

This morning the power went out
and I sat in the dark at my desk
My steaming cup of tea in hand
on a quiet morning at the office

Suddenly feeling a bit excited
with this change in routine,
Ten minutes later, the lights on
as if nothing had happened

Sitting still in my office chair
typing on my plastic keyboard
feet now warm beside my electric heater
I'm pondering the end of the world

Apparently we have only 17 days left
of existence on this planet

I feel like 12-12-12 would have been
a more significant number
but what is a number
except the significance
that we give to it?

In the hallway I hear laughter
and someone's surprised exclamation
that they have high blood pressure,
and the soft lull of the receptionist's voice
leaving a message on the phone.

Written Tuesday, December 4, 2012 - 2:26pm

Thursday 3 December 2015

Something on my mind

And here I am again
walking down the street
with the sunshine on my head
and a crisp breeze in my hair
just thinking

about the people in my life
and the things on my list
about babies and diapers
and God and the world
about houses and gardens
and canning and knitting
about concerts and keyboards
and recording studios

and each step I take
brings me closer to
the future that seems
so mysterious

for just a moment
it's difficult to breathe
because my chest feels so heavy

and I'd like to stope
thinking for a while

Written Monday, December 3, 2012 - 1:57pm

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Things I know...

It feels good to move my body.
It feels bad to sit still for a long time.
When I move my feet, I move my location on the earth.
I can also travel in my mind simply by imagining my movement.

I take in something with my nose or mouth,
I breathe out something my nose or mouth.
I'm not too sure of all the chemical components in every breath
but it sustains my life. If I try to stop, I get uncomfortable.

When I open my eyes, I see colors, shapes, movement - with definition.
When I close my eyes, I see colors, shapes, movement - without definition.

Every day I put things in my mouth.
Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, crunchy, hard, smooth,
a variety of textures, temperatures, smells, colors.

Things also exit my body,
in a variety of textures, shapes and colors.
Generally I feel better when they're gone.
My favourite is a sneeze.

I enjoy touching things with my hands,
feeling the variety of textures,
stone walls, large bins of grain, wool sweaters.
I enjoy wrapping my armes around other people
or when other people wrap their arms around me.

These are the things I know...

Life is movement.
I am a consumer.

Written Sunday, December 2, 2012

Monday 30 November 2015


As much as I want to believe that originality and uniqueness reign supreme,
humans ears will always ache for the familiar.

Written Monday, November 30, 2015 - 10:48pm

Friday 20 November 2015


Precipitation in the desert
Acceleration on the streets

Amalgamation of the city
Deforestation of the wild

Civilization of the people
Configuration of the mind

Determination of the humble
Equalization of the wealth

Ejaculation of creativity
Dissemination of beliefs

Infatuation of the war lords
Imagination of the mad

Assassination of the future
Annihilation of the world

Written Tuesday, November 20, 2012 - 4:42pm

Thursday 19 November 2015

Every Time

There flies a hapless bird with awkward wings
trying desperately to reach this edifice.
The glare of the winter sun reflects
in his eyes, deceiving his perception.

Your heart flutters anxiously.

Gusts of wind are pummeling from all sides
chilling his small frame of feathered bones.
His tiny yellow beak opening to take in air
before charging up the glass wall once more.

Your pulse quickens nervously.

And just when you can't watch anymore,
a giant shadow looms above him and diving sharply,
his mother swoops underneath to catch him
before the concrete embrace.

You take a deep breath.

You can almost feel his relief
as he nestles into her warm feathers.
Together they soar upwards
and pass far above the city.

You smile.

It gets you every time. The story. The struggle.
The happy ending that we all long for.

Written Monday, November 19, 2012 - 4:24pm

Wednesday 18 November 2015

There is...

There is a stillness in the morning
after the sun rises
You can take a deep breath,
pulling fresh air into your lungs,
and look at the world
with benevolence

Written Wednesday, November 18, 2015 - 3:40pm

Tuesday 17 November 2015

One day

When we give
freely and without reserve

When we listen
to someone else's heart

When we celebrate
the joy of others without envy

When we liberate others
from the bondage of our judgments

When we understand
that we are all made of the same
blood and bones and stardust

Like a blossoming flower
we will finally reach higher consciousness

Written Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - 8:10am

Monday 16 November 2015

( )

The ghost of me
trying to make you feel
that I'm still here.
The ghost of me
flying away even if
I want to stay.
Don't forget the
sound of my voice.
Don't forget the
smell of my skin.
Release that wish
cause this ghost of us
was all a dream
even when I was awake.

Written together by Javier & Rosalie November 16, 2015 - 11:32am

Sunday 15 November 2015

The Doctor will see you now

The make-up is powdered
The curtain is rising
The wizard steps onto the stage

It's time for the marvels
It's time for the magic
It's time for the guessing games

And though power flows
through magical hands
at any moment the crowd
may revolt and throw
rotten tomatoes

Beware the twists and turns
in the circus of magic medicine

Written Thursday, November 15, 2012 - 9:03am

Saturday 14 November 2015

On the shore

Rain washes away the clutter of the city
and covers the mountains in a veil of mist.
I long to stand on the shore
to feel the ebb and flow of each breath,
raindrops collecting on my cold cheeks
and my heart wrapped in the embrace
of bittersweet melancholia.

Written Saturday, November 14, 2015 - 7:45pm

Friday 13 November 2015

No time like the present

Time unravels in spirals around my ankles
I can't help but trip over these minutes
Each tick echoes deafeningly in my ears
Trying to find meaning in the moments
between endless plans for improvement
and perpetual creations of the future

Written Friday, November 13, 2015 - 2:15pm